People within the HORECA industry know that this is a very complicated business. If you are running a huge restaurant chain, hotel or online shop you are probably using a distributed system of services that needs to communicate with full trust.

I have seen different software solutions used to secure the trust of exchanged information and coded some of them. There is most likely a pub-sub system that takes care of information exchange. The main purpose and the most common use case is to assign a task reliably and fast for the subscriber entity and publish that task.

Let’s focus on a specific example. Something relatively small in scale so we will see that even a relatively less complex system may benefit from trustful transactions.

The example is as follows, we are running a restaurant serving 100 guests per hour. It isn’t a trivial thing to do to coordinate that amount of orders. We need a large force of waitresses, and cooks and a system that will coordinate the process. The Computantis is only a complementary tool in the very complicated architecture but gives us some unique properties. Ensures the transactions and independently tracks them from the system so that if any mistake, bug or message is lost in your system, that will not go unnoticed. It makes a transaction to be unique per waiter and cook. The Computantis will not interfere with your payment solution, order assigning method, accounting and following orders. It will seal data in the signed transactions, so all information can be published to the central server to track the history independently and validate if it reached the proper receiver. This gives the restaurant system some unique features. Any corruption or data loss is noticed instantly and with low-performance costs as the Computantis is not making any computations besides keeping the history intact and all messages that reach the destination are signed by the desired receiver. It will independently account for all jobs done by the employee, as jobs done are in the system, as well as not done. It simplifies the whole publish-subscribe message queue that needs insurance that the desired receiver receives the transaction, as only one receiver can genuinely sign the transaction. We can use the fire-and-forget way of publishing transactions because the middleware service will account for the proper delivery and validation of transactions. Moreover, we cannot modify what is published, only update with a new transaction that provides a tracking system, so we can improve the restaurant workflow and identify system problems. The events depend on each other and are irreversible.

On the other side of the coin is the cost of running any system that can ensure that data are not corrupted and that transactions happen without a doubt. Today solutions of blockchains or blockchains frameworks are complex and overloaded with features. Yes, you can run smart contracts on some of them but it will cost you performance and money. Smart contracts are executed by virtual machines, so by design, this is a slow process. It gets even slower when we add the mining process or voting for the forging node in the proof of stake model. Then it slows down even more when we have to add very complicated peer-to-peer communication on top of that. Finally, it needs to track the tokens transferred between wallets. This makes the whole system of current blockchains secure but very slow and expensive to run. We need to mention that smart contracts are not free, you have to pay for them with tokens or like it is in Ethereum with a gas fee. If you are running a restaurant that serves 100 clients per hour you need something not only extremely fast per transaction but also cheap. And you probably don’t want to expose your transactions to the public and want to own the whole service and its data. The Computantis solution is not trying to be one tool for all the problems. It is your trusted service that ensures that data are never corrupted, only the receiver can sign the transaction, and history is always maintained in true order. All of this is done very efficiently, a single central node can transmit more than 300 messages per second and can be scaled horizontally. It is designed to run on Edge devices making it cheaper to run. You as the restaurant owner can afford it and save money ensuring all the transactions are properly executed.